Mission Statement
Tri Star Kennel Club agrees and abides by these statements
Will continue the further advancement of dogs of all breeds.
Encourage sportsmanship and fellowship at AKC events.
Provide mentoring and training to all ages.
Promote health/welfare through the knowledge of dogs.
Beginnings of the Tri Star Kennel Club….
In the spring and summer of 1999, discussions held among area dog fanciers concluded there was sufficient interest to support a new dog club serving the Nashville and Williamson County, Tennessee locale.
Debra Maxwell contacted the New Club Department at AKC November 15, 1999. She provided the initial paperwork and setup for the club to the AKC. She had assistance and advice from a number of people, who felt there was a need for another club in the area to permit more shows with less travel.
Several members met at Legislative Plaza April 24, 2000 to discuss the new club. It was decided to invite Beverly Lehnig to share her experience in starting a club. She came to a meeting held June 11, 2000 at Shoney’s in Brentwood.
An initial organizational meeting was July 4, 2000 at a pot-luck supper held at Debra Maxwell’s home in Brentwood. In addition to Alton and Debra Maxwell, attendees were Bobbie Wilhoite and Walter Womble, Phillip and Celeste Johnson, Dick Dickerson, David and Pat Gleaves, Aubrey Witherington and Melba Walker, and Kerstin and Bill Coke.
We held the first fun match/money raiser in Springfield at Dick Dickerson’s pavilion, October 28, 2000. There was lots of good food and many cake walks.
Our first “A” match was held March 20, 2004 and our first show was held October 21-22, 2006.
The original plan was to include three counties in the area of interest which gave rise to the club’s name – Tri Star Kennel Club. Later it was decided to focus on Williamson County and that became part of the club’s name.
Today we welcome all walks of life no matter where you are from. You do not have to have a purebred to join if you simply love dogs and want to find something fun to do with your mixed breed. There are several events for mixed breeds as well.
We are now a 501C3 organization now which means we are a non profit organization which has been approved to be a charitable organization.